King of The fucking Road
All of you die-hard Ups & Downs fans will remember about 6 months ago a post about a
Thrasherstyle King of the Road for
Skateperception The content of the post was that I couldn't enter it because of techincal (idiocy) difficulties. I have now fixed it through a stroke of genius (common sense) and it is now availabe for all to see. ENJOY. WE DID!
Jeneral January Japery
Andy works at Zenith Staybrite so he couldn't come to London today. Which is good because Luc's car is covered in pineapple juice. Today had it's pros and cons including learning new tricks and snapping decks. Luc took some snazzy photographs under my expert supervision:

Helmets, Seekers and Tricktips
It absolutely pissed it down all day. But it was great anyway. We heavily supported the local scene by going to the Pioneer, paying £4 to get in. And leaving almost immediately. Hmmm it was busy to say the least. Also, it turns out the best little skater lives in St. Albans or thereabouts. He must have been about 6 and was doing all this stuff out of the quarterpipe into the bank. e.g fingerflip. It was amazing. Anyway, we then went to the carpark which was slowly filling with water. We invented a hardcore new team sport involving cones. (Please ask for details although it has been copyrighted) We got some sweet pineapple juice and then filmed some tricktips which was funny. I'll post some videos, photos up later/tomorrow/the next day.