Saturday, January 06, 2007

Helmets, Seekers and Tricktips

It absolutely pissed it down all day. But it was great anyway. We heavily supported the local scene by going to the Pioneer, paying £4 to get in. And leaving almost immediately. Hmmm it was busy to say the least. Also, it turns out the best little skater lives in St. Albans or thereabouts. He must have been about 6 and was doing all this stuff out of the quarterpipe into the bank. e.g fingerflip. It was amazing. Anyway, we then went to the carpark which was slowly filling with water. We invented a hardcore new team sport involving cones. (Please ask for details although it has been copyrighted) We got some sweet pineapple juice and then filmed some tricktips which was funny. I'll post some videos, photos up later/tomorrow/the next day.


At 1:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rad gap dude

At 4:52 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!!! your hair is soooo gorgeous...!!

At 5:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks babe wanna hook up for sexytime?

At 10:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wanna see the vid when its finished.where can I get a copy?

At 4:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

just go to your local blockbuster

At 4:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, fucking idiot. did it twice

At 5:04 pm, Blogger Ups&Downs said...

I'll set it up so you can but it over paypal. in the same way you can buy things from ebay (but not bidding obviously!) There will be a links up on here and everywhere else on the internet. If you leave your email address i will email you as soon as it's finished.

At 9:37 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cheers,next time you see little alex at pioneer pass on your details to him,thanks.

At 12:28 am, Blogger Ups&Downs said...



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